BP Summer students geology field 2018

Summer students geology field 2018

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Are you future geologist? Are you interested in sedimentology and structural geology? Don’t miss a chance to participate at the summer geology field course this year. Apply now.

Since 2003, BP in Azerbaijan sponsors a summer field course in sedimentology 
Your code is here and structural geology for undergraduate and graduate students in Baku.
The course uses leading expertise in geology in order to build Azerbaijan's
academic capability and knowledge, and help the next generation of geoscientists
to develop their skills in-country. During the summer field course undergraduate
and graduate students are taught on the principles of field geology by using
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support the course.

This year the summer geology field course will take place in the
Northern Azerbaijan and Absheron peninsula from 16 August to 4 September 2018.

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Please download the application form, fill it out and send to us 
by email before 15 June 2018.

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Dr John Weber (PhD, 1995, Geological Sciences, Northwestern University) regularly teaches structural geology, plate tectonics, geodynamics, geological field methods, and field mapping courses to undergraduate geology students. His principal research interests involve the study of: 1) neotectonics in Trinidad and Tobago, and the circum-Adriatic region using a variety of tools, including structural geology, tectonic geomorphology, GPS geodesy, and thermochonology, and 2) terrestrial meteorite impact craters. His teaching and research awards include: a Distinguished Undergraduate Mentoring Award, an Outstanding Faculty Award, a Dupont (Conoco) Young Professor’s Award, and several Best Paper Awards from the Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago. He has published about 20 peer-review articles on his research, and he also practices applied geology, by doing regularly consulting for the petroleum and hydrogeology industries Dr Elmira Aliyeva (Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (AzNAS), State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) has over 20 years work experience. She holds candidate and doctorate degrees in Geology from the Geology institute of AzNAS. Her research interest is focused on sedimentology and stratigraphy of modern and ancient clastic depositional systems with particular interest to fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine sedimentation, sedimentary architecture of clastic successions, sedimentary response to climate change and effect of rapid sea-level changes on sedimentary systems. Her research areas cover western flank of the Middle and South Caspian depressions (many ages and units), and field experience includes many different locations such as modern Volga river delta; Green River Formation, Wyoming, Colorado (Miocene-Pliocene); Northern and Southern California (Miocene-Pliocene); coast of Sea of Marmara (Plesitocene).

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