Climate Change Simulation (CCS) Azerbaijan

oikos Baku is happy to announce the 1st 'Climate Change Simulation' in Azerbaijan.

World Climate Simulation is to build climate change awareness and enable people to experience some of the dynamics that emerge in the UN climate negotiations.

CCS Azerbaijan is a UNFCCC Simulation involving aims to raise the awareness towards Climate Change, to investigate the problems behind and arisen from that phenomena and of course building possible solutions to the issue.
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The discussions and decision-making process will enable a wide range of reasonable solutions to be suggested, the debate environment will help people to enhance their knowledge and experience in the field, and of course, meeting new people will be some of the outcomes of the event.

The deadline for filling in the application is February 9th, 23:59

Your code is here APPLICATION LINK: LİNK

The event is free of charge.
Do not miss this opportunity! We have limited space.