Designing and conducting systematic reviews using a case study - Seminar is free

Baku IdeaLab and CRRC Azerbaijan invite you to the next Tuk-Tuk seminar on "Designing and conducting systematic reviews in science, business, and public policy: using a case study of solutions to the "resource curse"".
With a proliferation of studies on many topics in scientific, business, and public policy research, it becomes hard to separate solid findings from "noise" and ensure the advancement of knowledge rather than large amounts of disparate information. Traditional narrative literature reviews are inherently weak, if not biased, in addressing these challenges. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses offer an alternative: they provide methods of collecting, analyzing, summarizing, and integrating research findings on a specific research question in a rigorous and methodologically-sound fashion. They are increasingly employed across science, business, and public policy. Among their major advantages for developing country scholars and practitioners is the fact that they do not require the resources that most of other methods usually do: funds, equipment, or field work. This seminar will give an introduction to quantitative systematic review using an example of a study that focuses on integrating the knowledge across studies that propose solutions to the "resource curse".

The seminar will be conducted by Anar Kamil Ahmadov (PhD, London School of Economics). He is a professor of political economy at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Prior to joining Leiden, he has held research and teaching positions at Princeton University, Oxford University, and the LSE. Broadly trained in political economy, sociology, development studies, and public policy, Anar also has extensive experience in international development and consulting. He is interested in political and economic inequality, the travel of economic ideas, natural resource governance, migrant political behavior, and conflict studies. Anar's work has appeared in Comparative Political Studies, Energy Policy, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and Post-Soviet Affairs, among others.

Your code is here Date and time: February 19, 19:00
Address: Baku IdeaLab, Jafar Jabbarly 44, Caspian Plaza III, floor 3

The language of the seminar is English.
Entrance to the seminar is free.
Your code is here Seating will be available on a first come, first served basis.