Final Round of Azerbaijan Business Case Competition 2018


We are delighted to invite you to join the Final stage of Azerbaijan Business Case Competition 2018 as a guest on December 9 which will be held at Hilton Hotel.

The Azerbaijan Business Case Competition (ABCC) is an annual, national competition designed to encourage young minds to unleash the power of their potential. The history of ABCC goes back to 2002: motivated by the lack of business case analysis practice in Azerbaijan, MBA Enterprise Corps volunteers spearheaded this project, which after AAA was given an exclusive right to hold and organize the ABCC. This year ABCC will celebrate its 16 Years in Azerbaijan.
Your code is here
ABCC 2018 is sponsored by SOCAR-AQS, Azercell, BP, Coca-Cola, Engin LTD, Azer Turk Bank, Azsığorta ASC, Deloitte Azerbaijan, EY Azerbaijan , KPMG Azerbaijan and U.S. Embassy Baku / ABŞ-ın Azərbaycandakı Səfirliyi.

This opportunity will give you a chance to personally see the Final Round presentations, share your past experience of ABCC as well as meet the winning teams.

Your code is here Entrance is free and open to all the guests.
In case of questions, please reach us at [email protected]