İngilis dili müəllimləri üçün Şimali Karolina Dövlət Universitetinin (NCSU) ESL Sertifikat Proqramı

Əgər siz orta məktəbdə ingilis dili müəllimisinizsə Şimali Karolina Dövlət Universitetinin (NCSU) ESL Sertifikat Proqramı ilə maraqlana bilərsiniz!

Yeni kommunikativ tədris üsulları və onları necə tətbiq edəcəyinizi öyrənin və biliklərinizi həmkarlarınızla bölüşün.

NCSU virtual 3 aylıq ESL Sertifikat Proqramına indi müraciət edin! Son tarix 13 dekabrdır.
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If you are an English language teacher at a secondary public school you might be interested in the North Carolina State University (NCSU) ESL Certificate Program!

Study new communicative teaching techniques, learn how to apply them, and share knowledge with your fellow colleagues.

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English Language Training Certificate Program 2022

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North Carolina State University is pleased to partner with the U.S. Department of State to offer the English Language Training Certificate Program. This program is aimed at helping advance Azerbaijan’s goal of improving English language fluency at all levels of education. NC State has a long and successful history of providing both ESL/EFL programs to students and in-service teachers.

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Application for the Spring 2022 Program closes December 13, 2021

Applicant Eligibility Information

We are only accepting applications from secondary (K-12) teachers for this program. The program curriculum is designed to enhance the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) secondary curriculum and provide resources for teachers who are actively teaching English in the spring semester. Please note that all applicants must provide employment verification from their school director to indicate their employment status as a current English teacher. We will consider public and private school applicants separately, both are encouraged to apply.

  • Applicants must be citizens of Azerbaijan or permanent residents qualified to hold a valid Azerbaijani passports

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  • Currently work and reside in Azerbaijan

  • Be full-time elementary or secondary school teachers (university faculty are not eligible to apply)

  • Be English Language teachers (teachers of other subjects are not eligible to apply)

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The Global Training Initiative is partnering with NC State’s Department for Foreign Languages and Literatures to provide a unique professional development opportunity for 100 Azerbaijani English teachers in 2022. This program is fully funded by the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan. There is no cost to apply or participate in this program. The program’s structure and schedule have been developed for working English/EFL teachers who have families and careers that may not permit them to engage in full-time study or overseas study. Participants that complete this program will emerge with greater knowledge, skills, confidence, tools, and credentials to be more effective EFL teachers in their communities.

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