"Inspiring legacy of the national women" - Event

Dear friends!

We're continuing to hold events dedicated to Women's History Month! ?

On March 16, at 18:00 Zumrud Jalilova, Gender Equality Specialist at Women's Association for Rational Development (WARD), will give a speech on "Inspiring legacy of the national women".
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She will cover some of the gender-based issues in Azerbaijan, as well as the representation, role and the struggle of women. She'll also talk about Azerbaijani female role models, their stories and contributions (mainly focusing on women with non-traditional careers).

The event is OPEN and FREE for everyone!

Your code is here Date and time: March 16, 2018 at 18:00.

Contact / message us if you have any questions! :)

? 134, R. Behbudov str., Azerbaijan University of Languages / Baku American Center
Your code is here ☎ (012) 441 36 80 / 441 22 79 (124)
? [email protected]