International Conference on “The Future of Europe"

In cooperation with the Brussels-based European Policy Centre (EPC), the EU Delegation organises a Conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership ( at UFAZ (

Days before the High Level Conference in Brussels and the crucial European Parliament Elections, the conference will look at “The future of Europe and the 10th anniversary of Eastern Partnership”.

Moderated by Amanda Paul, Senior Policy analyst at EPC , the conference/debate will include world known panellists:
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Vygaudas Usackas, former Foreign Minister of Lithuania and EU Ambassador to Russia, Prof. Loukas Tsoukalis (, President of the Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy, Prof. George Mchedishvili, associate professor of International Black Sea University and Zaur Shiriev, academy associate at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House).

May 3, at 4.30, UFAZ, simultaneous interpretation available EN/AZ

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