Intertek Azeri şirkətinin mərkəzi laboratoriyasına texniki gəzinti - SON GÜN!

Sizi Intertek Azeri şirkətinin mərkəzi laboratoriyasına texniki gəzintidə iştirak etməyə dəvət etməkdən məmnunluq duyuruq.

Vaxt: 02 May 2018
Qeydiyyat üçün son tarix: 15 Aprel 2018

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Qeydiyyat linki:

Qeydiyyat və İştirak ÖDƏNİŞSİZDİR.

Your code is here Hər hansı bir sualınız olarsa, bizə yazmaqdan çəkinməyin: [email protected]

Qeyd: Məhdud sayda namizədlər iştirakçı olaraq seçiləcəkdir.

Ətraflı məlumat aşağıdakı linkdə.
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We are pleased to invite you to attend trip to Intertek Azeri Central Laboratory. During this trip Azerbaijan Chemical Society and Intertek Azeri will organize the following awareness trainings:

1. Basic HSE rules in the laboratory and general lab. operation – 1 hour
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2. Introduction to Atmospheric Sampling; Pressurised Safety Considerations, Sampling Points, Static Electricity. Cylinder Operation & Sampling Techniques – 2 hours

3. Introduction to Crude Oil Distillation – 2 hours

Your code is here 4. Introduction to Gas Chromatography Operation – 2 hours

Venue: International Sea Port, Cargo Terminal #2, Mirza Davud street 2236, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 02 May 2018
Time: 09;00
Your code is here Deadline for Register: 15 April 2018

Link for Registration:

Registration and Participation is FREE.
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If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write us: [email protected]

*Please note that limited candidates will be selected

Your code is here About Azerbaijan Chemical Society:

The Azerbaijan Chemical Society (AzeCS) is a scientific society supports scientific studies and researches in the field of chemistry.
Founded in 2015 in Azerbaijan Republic by five motivated and enthusiastic young chemists to support chemistry students in educational stage and career development as previously this did not exist. The prime mission of the AzeCS is to promote chemistry for science and industry in collaboration with other local and global societies.
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