İslam İnkişaf Bankı 2019-2020-ci tədris ili üçün təqaüd proqramları elan edir

İslam İnkişaf Bankı (İİB) 2019-2020-ci tədris ili üçün müxtəlif səviyyələr üzrə təlim, təhsil və tədqiqat təqaüd proqramları elan edir.


Təhsil səviyyəsi: peşə təhsili, bakalavriat, magistratura, doktorantura,
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doktorantura sonrası tədqiqat

Tədris dili: ingilis dili

Your code is here Maliyyələşmə: təhsil haqqı, yaşayış xərcləri, tibbi sığorta və gediş-gəliş bileti.

Son müraciət tarixi: 28.02.2019-cu il

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Təqaüd proqramının əhatə etdiyi universitetlər, ixtisaslar və digər şərtlərlə bağlı aşağıdakı keçiddən tanış olmaq olar:


Your code is here Müraciətlər yalnız elektron qaydada təqdim edilməlidir:

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Təqaüd proqramı ilə bağlı hər hansı sual yarandığı təqdirdə Azərbaycan Respublikasının İqtisadiyyat Nazirliyi üzrə əlaqələndirici şəxslə əlaqə saxlanılması tövsiyə edilir: Elvin Qarayev (tel: 3102800 /daxili-2055)


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Overview of the IsDB Scholarship Programmes
The IsDB is currently funding the following scholarship programmes: Undergraduate, Master,
PhD, and Post-doctoral research. The Programmes are an important tool in the development
Your code is here initiatives led by the IsDB since 1983 to foster technology and knowledge sharing among
member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries.
The programmes are designed to attract talented male and female students and build the
right competence required to empower communities with a special focus on “Sustainability
Science” in line with the approved fields to support the achievement of the Sustainable
Your code is here Development Goals (SDGs).
For over (3) three decades, the Bank has helped to provide scholarship opportunities to 15,611
students and formed a pool of 13,253 well-trained development professionals and
researchers transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations.
As a new initiative, the IsDB has also launched the following schemes:
Your code is here 1. IsDB/ISFD Programme for Vocational Training and Undergraduate Studies: This
programme is an IsDB new initiative for 21 LDMCs funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund
for Development (ISFD) for the next ten years, starting from 2018-19 aiming at promoting
entrepreneurships and reducing poverty.
2. Joint Programme with The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy for
Your code is here Sustainability Science, Technology and Innovation: This programme is an IsDB initiative
for capacity building aiming at building critical mass in the fields of Science, Technology
and Innovation (STI) to address sustainable development challenges of its member
Partnership Programmes with Reputable top universities: The IsDB has linked the
Your code is here programmes with reputable universities worldwide. Therefore, a new partnership model has
been pursued with the top (10) ten ranked universities in all beneficiary countries through
Memorandum of Agreements. Under the new partnership model, the hosting universities will
play a strategic role to provide the students with the necessary mentoring and guidance to
ensure their academic success. They will equally facilitate the students’ financial entitlements,
Your code is here accommodation and promote the IsDB scholarship programmes.
Currently, the partnership programme includes Universities of Cambridge, Queen Mary,
Imperial College London in the United Kingdom, Copenhagen University in Denmark, and
McGill University in Canada. In addition, the bank is currently partnering with the Ministry of
Education in Malaysia, Council of Higher Education in Turkey, Ministry of Higher Education
Your code is here and Scientific Research in Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan to place IsDB students at top
Setting-up Alumni for the IsDB graduates: IsDB Graduated students become part of a larger
community of Alumni around the world to exchange knowledge and contribute with innovative
solutions for the development of their local communities. IsDB will continue reaching-out to its
Your code is here Alumni and invite them to participate, among others, in an annual Call for Innovation through its
recently launched “Engage Platform & Transform Fund”. The winning applicants will receive
financial support to translate their innovative ideas into development solutions and possible
I- Undergraduate Scholarship Programme
Your code is here Introduction
The Programme was launched with the objective to provide educational opportunities for the
academically meritorious young students from member countries and Muslim communities
in non-member countries to pursue undergraduate or first-degree study in a university and to
train them in specific fields to empower communities with a special focus on “Sustainability
Your code is here Science” to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the
Presidency 5-Year Plan (P5P).
The Programme is more than just a scholarship programme in the traditional sense of a
straight financial assistance to qualified students. It is also a tool for the improvement of the
Your code is here socio-economic conditions in general. It is a scholarship programme and a development
programme at the same time since the students are required to play a leading role in assisting
the development of their communities and countries. In other words, the IsDB aims to produce
Good Citizens and Talented Professionals (GCTP) at the same time.
Benefits and facilities
Your code is here The programme covers full tuition to be paid directly to the university, monthly living
allowance commensurate with the cost of living in the country of study, medical expenses at
public or university hospitals.
For the students who are selected to study abroad, the IsDB also provides them with economy
class air tickets to and from the countries of study (once at the beginning and at the end of
Your code is here study), installation allowance and educational equipment.
To help students prepare themselves for their future leading role in the development of their
communities and countries, the IsDB also provides them with extra-curricular activities under
a special programme called “Mentorship Programme” to ensure their academic progress and
social and psychological integration in the university as well as the local community
Your code is here environment.
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is open for academically meritorious students with strong desire to engage
in social services and community development after graduation. The prospective candidate
must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Your code is here • Citizens of any of the IsDB member countries or Muslim communities in non-member
• Completed senior secondary education (or the equivalent of approximately 12 years of
education) with good grades in major subjects.
• Not in receipt of any other scholarship at the time of application and during studies
Your code is here under the IsDB scholarship programme.
• Be medically fit and willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
Fields of Study
Eligible students must apply only for following fields of study:
Major Fields of study at Undergraduate Level Potential Specializations for Graduate
Your code is here Students to pursue their Master and PhD
Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical
Laboratories, Microbiology, Public Health, Nutrition,
Health Services Management, Bio-Medicine, Medical
Technology, Veterinary, Chemistry, Biology, BioTechnology and related fields.
Your code is here Health
Engineering: Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical,
Surveying, Urban Planning,
Sustainable Cities
Innovation & Infrastructure Development
Your code is here Waste Management
Agriculture and Forestry Sustainable Agriculture
Industrial Technologies Plastic pollution and Micro-plastics
Green Chemistry
Responsible Growth
Your code is here Physics, Geology and related fields Energy
Host Institutions
Selected students must obtain an admission only from one of the universities listed among
the top (10) universities in each country.
Your code is here Candidates granted the Scholarship are expected to:
1. Sign a Surety Bond stating their commitment to their studies, their return to their countries
upon completion of their studies and service their communities and countries;
2. Commit to cover, after the completion of his study, either the cost of the first year of
his/her master’s degree. In this case, the IsDB will support him/her by covering the cost of
Your code is here his/her 2nd year master degree or related cost of the first year’s study for a new
Undergraduate student from the same community he/she belongs to.
3. Devote themselves to their studies on a full-time basis and without interruption and
provide the IsDB with reports on their academic studies and activities on a regular basis;
4. Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under the
Your code is here Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
5. Respect the laws of the country of study and maintain good personal and professional
conduct consistent with the rules, regulations and objectives of the Programme and the
overall mission of the IsDB.
Your code is here Computer Science, Information Technology,
Telecommunication, and Electronics and related
ICT for Development
Natural Resources, Marine Sciences Biodiversity
Your code is here Climate Change
Water and Hygiene
Law, Media and Journalism, Political Sciences,
Entrepreneurships, and related fields.
Development-related Social Sciences
Your code is here Economics Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking
Statistics, Demography Econometrics, and Social
Population Growth
Education, Psychology and Learning, Education
Your code is here Policy and International Development
Education for Sustainable Development
Selection Process
The selection of candidates is supervised by a Selection Committee, composed of
Your code is here academicians in all development related fields and chaired by the Senior Advisor to the
President for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The Committee reviews the applications keeping in view the eligibility requirements and
selection criteria of the Programme with the aim of identifying the candidates with the highest
Your code is here Important Note
The programme does not cover expenses for the student’s family; extra-curricular courses of
training; language courses and any additional travel during the study programme.
II- Master Scholarship Programme
Your code is here The Programme was launched with an objective to assist IsDB member countries and Muslim
communities in non-member countries in the development of their human capitals in key
areas of development to pursue Master degree in specific fields to empower communities
with a special focus on “Sustainability Science” to support the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and the Presidency 5-Year Plan (P5P).
Your code is here The programme aims specifically to:
• increase the number of intermediate level technological manpower in the beneficiary
countries which is necessary for an effective technology development, transfer and
maintenance; and
• enhance the ability of students to participate in the IsDB PhD and Post-doctoral
Your code is here research programme.
• The Programme offers scholarships leading to a full-time Master degree (in 2 years
maximum) either through course work, research or a combination of both. Whichever
the mode, it must be completed within the specified two-year time frame and there is
Your code is here no possibility of extension with the IsDB funding.
• The scholarship is awarded as an interest-free loan (Qard Hasan) to the students. They
are required to repay 50% of the loan after graduation, in easy installments to ensure
the programme continuity in the long run. Besides, the students are also required to
take part in the development of their communities/countries, through their respective
Your code is here professions, while the community development services rendered by the graduates will
contribute to the overall development of their communities/countries
Benefits and facilities
The programme covers full tuition fees to be paid directly to the university, living allowance
on single-status basis, medical expenses at public or university hospitals, computer
Your code is here allowance, thesis preparation allowance and round-trip air-ticket and installation allowance
for study abroad.
To help students prepare themselves for their future leading role in the development of their
communities and countries, the IsDB also provides them with extra-curricular activities under
a special programme called “Mentorship Programme” to ensure their academic progress and
Your code is here social and psychological integration in the university as well as the local community
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is designed to help promising mid-career professionals from member
countries and Muslim Communities in non-member countries who meet the following criteria:
Your code is here • Be a citizen of any of an IsDB member countries or Muslim communities in nonmember countries.
• Be a graduate with a grade above “Good” in his/her bachelor studies.
• His/her proposed field of study is within the fields approved by the programme
• Be recommended by three referees (professional or academic)
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
Your code is here the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
• Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection
Fields of study
Under the programme, eligible students may apply only for studies in the following fields:
Your code is here Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security, Resilient Crops, Postharvest
Education Quality of Teaching, Pupil/Teacher Ratio, High Level
Education for Sustainable
Your code is here Development
Integration of Sustainability-related issues into national
curricula and teaching syllabus documents
Climate Change Strategies for Reductions of CO2 Emissions, Climate
Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration Methods
Your code is here Energy Renewable Energy and Green Technologies, Solar
Potential and Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Biogas and Biodiesel
Sustainable Cities Insulation Technologies, Transportation, Urban Planning
Responsible Growth Reduction of Waste, Serving Communities, Ethics of
Your code is here Waste Management Recycling, Carbon Footprint Reduction, Waste to Energy
Population Growth Urban Sprawl, Density and Epidemics, Overshoot
Green Chemistry Alternative Technologies, Cutting-edge Research,
Limitation of Pollution
Your code is here Biodiversity Loss of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Mass
Extinction, Agrobiodiversity
Plastic pollution and Microplastics
Plastic Incorporation into the Food Chain, Biodegradable
Plastics, Recycling Possibilities.
Your code is here Water and Hygiene Water Purity and Availability, Sanitation and Quality.
Health Medicine, Pharmacy, Nutrition.
ICT for Development Computer Science, Laser and Fiber Optics,
Telecommunication, Electronics
Innovation & Infrastructure
Your code is here Development
Build Resilient Infrastructure, Innovation and Industrial
Development, Technological Infrastructure, Product
Islamic Economics, Finance
Your code is here and Banking
Mode & Services of Islamic Banking and Finance, Sharia
Standards for IFIs, Islamic Insurance & Takaful, Islamic
Capital Market, Sharia & Operational Aspects of Sukuk,
Islamic Micro-Finance, Zakat Management, Awqaf &
Your code is here Zakat Management.
Development-related Social
International economics, Journalism, Law, IP, Political
Sciences, Entrepreneurships.
Your code is here Host Institutions
Selected students must obtain an admission only from one of the universities listed among
the top (10) universities in each country.
Candidates granted the Scholarship are expected to:
Your code is here 1. Sign a Surety Bond stating their commitment to their studies, their return to their
countries upon completion of their studies and service their communities and
countries and comply with the rules and regulations of the programme.
2. Devote themselves to their studies on a full-time basis and without interruption and
provide the IsDB with reports on their academic studies and activities on a regular
Your code is here basis.
3. Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB.
4. Respect the laws of the country of study and maintain good personal and professional
Your code is here conduct consistent with the rules, regulations and objectives of the Programme and
the overall mission of the IsDB.
Selection Process
The selection of candidates is supervised by a Selection Committee, composed of
academicians in all development related fields and chaired by the Senior Advisor to the
Your code is here President for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The Committee reviews the applications keeping in view the eligibility requirements and
selection criteria of the Programme with the aim of identifying the candidates with the highest
Important Note
Your code is here The programme does not cover expenses for the student’s family; extra-curricular courses of
training; language courses and any additional travel during the study programme.
III- PhD and Post-doctoral research Programme
The Programme aims at developing technically qualified human resources in the IsDB
Your code is here member countries and Muslim Communities in non-member countries by providing
scholarships to promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced
studies and research in development related fields with a special focus on “Sustainability
Your code is here The Programme offers scholarships and is designed to help promising professionals and
researchers to pursue a full-time Ph.D. study and/or Post-doctoral research in key areas of
development with a special focus on “Sustainability Science” in line with the IsDB President’s
new strategy to empower communities to achieve the SDGs.
The main objectives of this programme are:
Your code is here • To develop technically qualified human resources
• To enhance the scientific, technological and research capability/ and the potential of
scholars and researchers
• To help meet the national needs science and technology; and
• To strengthen the scientific, technological and research capability of institutions.
Your code is here The scholarship is awarded as an interest-free loan (Qard Hasan) to the students. They are
required to repay 50% of the loan after graduation, in easy installments to ensure the
programme continuity in the long run. Besides, the students are also required to take part in
the development of their communities/countries, through their respective professions, while
the community development services rendered by the graduates will contribute to the overall
Your code is here development of their communities/countries
Benefits and Facilities
The programme covers full tuition/bench fees to be paid directly to the university, living
allowance on single-status basis, medical expenses at public or university hospitals,
conference and thesis preparation allowance and round-trip air-ticket and installation
Your code is here allowance for scholar studying abroad.
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is designed to help promising mid-careers professionals from member
countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries who meet the following criteria:
1) PhD study
Your code is here • Have minimum Master degree (for Ph.D study) in one of the approved fields of the
• Have above average ("Very Good") academic standing;
• Preferably have work and/or research experience
• Have a proposed field of study and/or research in one of the fields listed under the
Your code is here approved fields of study of the programme with its scientific and development
relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal.
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
Your code is here • Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
2) Post-doctoral research
• Have PhD degree in one of approved fields of the programme
• Have above average ("Very Good") academic standing;
• Must have not less than two (2) years of experience in the field of his/her research
Your code is here • Must have a record of publications/research in the same field.
• Have a proposed field of study and/or research in one of the fields listed under the
approved fields of study of the programme with its scientific and development
relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal.
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
Your code is here the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
• Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection
Fields of study
Under the programme, eligible students may apply only for studies in the following fields:
Your code is here Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security, Resilient Crops, Postharvest
Education Quality of Teaching, Pupil/Teacher Ratio, High Level
Education for Sustainable
Your code is here Development
Integration of Sustainability-related issues into national
curricula and teaching syllabus documents
Climate Change Strategies for Reductions of CO2 Emissions, Climate
Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration Methods
Your code is here Energy Renewable Energy and Green Technologies, Solar
Potential and Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Biogas and Biodiesel
Sustainable Cities Insulation Technologies, Transportation, Urban Planning
Responsible Growth Reduction of Waste, Serving Communities, Ethics of
Your code is here Waste Management Recycling, Carbon Footprint Reduction, Waste to Energy
Population Growth Urban Sprawl, Density and Epidemics, Overshoot
Green Chemistry Alternative Technologies, Cutting-edge Research,
Limitation of Pollution
Your code is here Biodiversity Loss of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Mass
Extinction, Agrobiodiversity
Plastic pollution and Microplastics
Plastic Incorporation into the Food Chain, Biodegradable
Plastics, Recycling Possibilities.
Your code is here Water and Hygiene Water Purity and Availability, Sanitation and Quality.
Health Medicine, Pharmacy, Nutrition.
ICT for Development Computer Science, Laser and Fiber Optics,
Telecommunication, Electronics
Innovation & Infrastructure
Your code is here Development
Build Resilient Infrastructure, Innovation and Industrial
Development, Technological Infrastructure, Product
Islamic Economics, Finance
Your code is here and Banking
Mode & Services of Islamic Banking and Finance , Sharia
Standards for IFIs, Islamic Insurance & Takaful, Islamic
Capital Market, Sharia & Operational Aspects of Sukuk,
Islamic Micro-Finance, Zakat Management, Awqaf &
Your code is here Zakat Management.
Development-related Social
International economics, Journalism, Law, IP, Political
Sciences, Entrepreneurships.
Your code is here Host Institutions
Selected students must obtain an admission only from one of the universities listed among
the top (10) universities in each country .
Candidates granted the Scholarship are expected to:
Your code is here 1. Sign a Surety Bond stating their commitment to their studies, their return to their
countries upon completion of their studies and service their communities and
countries and comply with the rules and regulations of the programme.
2. Devote themselves to their studies on a full-time basis and without interruption and
provide the IsDB with reports on their academic studies and activities on a regular
Your code is here basis;
3. Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB
4. Respect the laws of the country of study and maintain good personal and professional
Your code is here conduct consistent with the rules, regulations and objectives of the Programme and
the overall mission of the IsDB.
Selection Process
The selection of candidates is supervised by a Selection Committee, composed of
academicians in all development related fields and chaired by the Senior Advisor to the
Your code is here President for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The shortlisted applications are reviewed in detail by a panel of eminent scientists to ascertain
the scientific and development relevance of the field of study proposed and to assess the
overall qualifications of the applicants. Recommendation for final selection is made by the
Selection Committee.
Your code is here IV- IsDB-ISFD Scholarship Programme
The Programme is funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), with the
specific aim of reducing poverty in the following 21 Member Countries:
1.Afghanistan, 2. Bangladesh, 3. Benin, 4. Burkina Faso, 5. Chad, 6. Comoros, 7.
Your code is here Djibouti, 8. Gambia, 9. Guinea, 10. Guinea-Bissau, 11. Mali, 12. Mauritania, 13.
Mozambique, 14. Niger, 15. Senegal, 16. Sierra Leone, 17. Somali, 18. Sudan, 19. Togo,
20. Uganda, 21. Yemen
The Programme aims at providing opportunities to financially impoverished, but academically
talented young men and women to pursue Bachelor Degree or Technical Diploma in the IsDB
Your code is here approved scientific, social and technical fields. The aim is to improve their socio-economic
conditions and enable them to make a meaningful contribution to the development of their
The scholarship is awarded as an interest-free Flex-Pay Installment Loan (Qard Hasan) to the
Your code is here students. Repayment will take place once the students finish their study and secure a gainful
employment, to a Local Education Trust Fund (LETF) established in each member country
benefiting from the Programme.

Benefits and Facilities
Your code is here The programme covers full tuition fees to be paid directly to the university or institutions, living
allowance commensurate with the cost of living in the country of study, medical expenses at
public or university hospitals, and round-trip air-ticket and installation allowance for scholars
studying abroad.
To help students prepare themselves for their future leading role in the development of their
Your code is here communities and countries, the IsDB also provides them with extra-curricular activities under
a special programme called “Mentorship Programme” to ensure their academic progress and
social and psychological integration in the university as well as the local community
Host Institutions
Your code is here For Bachelor Degree, selected students must obtain an admission only from one of the
universities listed among the top (10) universities in each country .
For Technical Diploma, selected students must obtain an admission from either a reputable
Technical Training Institute, or one of the top (10) universities in each country.
Your code is here Candidates granted the Scholarship are expected to:
1. Sign a Surety Bond stating their commitment to their studies, their return to their countries
upon completion of their studies and service their communities and countries;
2. Commit to repay the loan upon completion of study and securing gainful employment, to
a Local Education Trust Fund (LETF), established in each member country benefiting from
Your code is here the Programme.
3. Devote themselves to their studies on a full-time basis and without interruption and
provide the IsDB with reports on their academic studies and activities on a regular basis;
4. Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under the
Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
Your code is here obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
5. Respect the laws of the country of study and maintain good personal and professional
conduct consistent with the rules, regulations and objectives of the Programme and the
overall mission of the IsDB.
Selection Process
Your code is here The selection of candidates is supervised by a Selection Committee, composed of
academicians in all development related fields and chaired by the Senior Advisor to the
President for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The Committee reviews the applications keeping in view the eligibility requirements and
selection criteria of the Programme with the aim of identifying the candidates with the highest
Your code is here potential.
Important Note
The programme does not cover expenses for the student’s family; extra-curricular courses of
training; language courses and any additional travel during the study programme.
V- Joint Programme with The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy, for
Your code is here Sustainability Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)
This is a joint programme in cooperation with The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in
Trieste, Italy. It started in 2017 as an IsDB initiative for capacity building aiming at building
critical mass in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to address sustainable
Your code is here development challenges of its member countries.
The main objective of the programme is to contribute to build critical mass of young
scientists, researchers and refugee scientists in the fields of STI relevant to the SDGs.
Your code is here The programme offers:
1) Post-Doctoral Fellowships: The Fellowships will support scientists for research visits
of 3 months in selected Centers of Excellence. Fellowships will be awarded to
scientists who will have a role in empowering their society.
2) Grants for Joint Research and Technology Transfer Projects: The Grants will fund joint
Your code is here projects to bring together complementary expertise that will tackle complex global
challenges often require an interdisciplinary approach. One joint project will be
selected. The project will see two research groups from different IsDB countries. The
research question will likely focus on an issue relevant to both countries involved.
Grants will be assigned on a competitive basis to those projects which produce a major
Your code is here and real-time impact.
3) High Level Training Workshops on the Science-Policy-Diplomacy Nexus: It aims to
conduct high level training workshops on the Science-Policy-Diplomacy Nexus that
would bring together scientists, policy-makers and diplomats to focus on issues of high
priority for the region and within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Your code is here 4) Support for Refugee Scientists and Other Scientists at risk in IsDB Member Countries:
It aims to support refugee scientists and other scientists at risk in IsDB member
countries that are being affected by civil strife or war. Efforts will be made to support
them at universities and research centres in other IsDB member countries, but also in
other countries
Your code is here Implementation: TWAS with its affiliated bodies and network of partners will be implementing
all activities envisaged under this programme. TWAS will be the IsDB’s focal point in
supervising the implementation of this programme and will be fully responsible for the
coordination of all the activities relating to the programme.
Implementation schedule: The programme is scheduled to be implemented within 4 years
Your code is here starting from 2017.