"Look Around"

"Look Around!" is an international program for promoting peace resolution among youngsters and spread
information about the importance of information accessibility by attending to informal workshops such as:
discussing topics, debates, presentations, cooking workshops and simulation games.
The project activates include the following:
- Debates for going deep to the concept of peace.
Your code is here - Simulation games for having fun and creating a friendly atmosphere.
- Presentation for sharing experience and information
- Watching a short movie to reflect on conflicts in general
- Field visit for being together and get to know each other.
- Cultural evening for representing their cultural uniqueness.
Your code is here - Cooking Workshops for having fun and integration.
“Look Around!” project will be on August 9-11 2019, in Georgia, in the region of Kakheti, Nukriani. Note that all
the costs related to accommodation, meals and travel will be covered by the project. The participants will stay at
sleeping bags and/or tents provided by the project - that should be a pretty interesting experience for all! :)
Eligibility criteria:
Your code is here  Youngsters from Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan
 Aged between 18-25
 Able to work in English language.
 Ok to sleep in a sleeping bag/ tents
The project is funded by the MitOst Alumni organization. The supporters of this project are the “Time for
Your code is here Development” and “Diversity School” – the organizations that promote social responsibility among the young
generation of the region.
If you are interested in and eligible all the criterias, “ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ivznxJRyoLgsdT0snqRxDRbL3p0LhqKTesdnRMFi28k/viewform?edit_requested=true"now! 
Deadline for the application form is August 3, 2019.
For further questions do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]
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