Open Day for A-level students - Seminar

ABC will host an Open Day Event for prospective A-level students on Saturday 14th April.

It will cover an introduction to English for academic purposes and an experimental lesson in Chemistry. The lessons will be conducted by our Head of Secondary Dr. Jill Cowie and professional teacher Ms. Cynthia Seddoh.

Also, interested students can then choose to sit an entrance test.
Your code is here We will be offering entrance exams in Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. History and Geography courses may also be available to suitably qualified candidates.

We are pleased to present the following program of the open day event:
10 am: School presentation
11-11.45am: Lesson 1
Your code is here 11.45-12.30 pm: Lesson 2
11.30 – 3.30 pm: Entrance exams

While the students are in lessons, the parents will be taken on a tour of the school.

Your code is here Venue: Azerbaijan British College
Address: 20-41 Mikayil Aliyev Street
For registration: 050 844 85 54
Admission is free