In his photo series "Baku - Black City, white City" Ambassador Onno Kervers showcases multidimensionality of Baku's architectural heritage. Black and white photos of the exhibition represent both aesthetic and conceptual prefence by the author.
The Photo Exhibition of Mr. Kervers is part of the Photo and Video Art Exhibition "Disappearance. In bentween remembrance and oblivion" which is a project by Sabina Shikhlinskaya, with contributions of Chinara Majidova (AZE), Mike Rainbourne (USA), Onno Kervers (Netherlands) and Zeygam Azizov (UK) as part of the Fantazia Baku Cultural Heritage Festival
For further information, please see the oficial exhibition posters below, as well as a map on how to reach the Cultural Center.
06 November 18:00 Contemporary Art Center
Free entrance.
The Photo Exhibition of Mr. Kervers is part of the Photo and Video Art Exhibition "Disappearance. In bentween remembrance and oblivion" which is a project by Sabina Shikhlinskaya, with contributions of Chinara Majidova (AZE), Mike Rainbourne (USA), Onno Kervers (Netherlands) and Zeygam Azizov (UK) as part of the Fantazia Baku Cultural Heritage Festival
For further information, please see the oficial exhibition posters below, as well as a map on how to reach the Cultural Center.
06 November 18:00 Contemporary Art Center
Free entrance.