Ödənişsiz 3 günlük düşərgə: #EuroSchool2024 üçün ərizə qəbulu başladı! 🇪🇺

#EuroSchool2024 üçün ərizə qəbulu başladı! 🇪🇺

Avropa İttifaqı nümayəndəliyi 6-8 avqust tarixlərində Azərbaycan regionlarının birində keçiriləcək "EuroSchool"un 7-ci buraxılışında iştirak etmək üçün ərizə qəbulunu elan edir. 18 iştirakçı interaktiv təhsil mühitində Avropa İttifaqı, onun tarixi, fundamental prinsipləri və dəyərləri, Avropa İttifaqı-Azərbaycan münasibətləri, o cümlədən enerji və ətraf mühit məsələləri, qarşıdan gələn "COP29" çərçivəsində iqlim dəyişikliyi haqqında daha çox məlumat əldə etmək şansı qazanacaqlar.

⌛Son qeydiyyat tarixi: 27 iyun

🔗Ətraflı məlumat və ərizə forması aşağıda.

İştirak etmək ödənişsizdir!

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#EuroSchool2024: Call for applications!🇪🇺

The EU Delegation is pleased to announce a call for applications to participate in the 7th edition of the EuroSchool that will take place from 6-8 August 2024 in one of the regions of Azerbaijan. Eighteen participants will have a chance in an interactive educational environment to learn more about the EU, its history, fundamental principles and values, the EU-Azerbaijan relations as well as issues of energy and environment, including climate change in light of the forthcoming COP29, tackling disinformation and fake news, etc..

⌛Apply before 27 June 2024

🔗More information and application form is available from:

The EU Delegation is pleased to announce a call for applications to participate in the 7th edition of the EuroSchool that will take place from 6-8 August 2024 in one of the regions of Azerbaijan. Eighteen participants will have a chance in an interactive educational environment to learn more about the EU, its history, fundamental principles and values, the Eastern Partnership initiative, and EU-Azerbaijan relations as well as issues of energy and environment, including climate change in light of the forthcoming COP29, tackling disinformation and fake news, etc..

With the participation of ‘Young European Ambassadors’ from Europe and Azerbaijan discussion will be organized on issues relevant to young people such as: the EU and its role for youth in Europe and in the Eastern Partnership countries, opportunities for young people across the region, including education opportunities, as well as national and regional youth organisations. In addition, representatives of the EU NEIGHBOURS East Programme will introduce participants to the ‘Young European Ambassadors’ network that connects youth from the EU Member States and the Eastern Partnership countries, including Azerbaijan.

The training will be conducted by experienced trainers in English. Transportation from Baku to the region and back, meals and accommodation (double occupancy rooms) will be covered by the EU Delegation. 

By the end of the EuroSchool, participants should feel more engaged with the EU, gain a better understanding of the EU processes and opportunities opened to young people, have better understanding of the EU activities in Azerbaijan. Participants will receive a certificate and will be suggested to become members of the ‘Young European Ambassadors’ network.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Azerbaijani citizens aged between 18 and 25 years old;
  • Higher education students or graduates;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Interest in International Affairs, the European Union, Political sciences, International Trade or Energy;
  • Full participation and availability for the whole period of the EuroSchool.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should fill in the EuroSchool application form from here. The deadline for applications is 27 June 2024.


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