Identity & Foreign Policy. Case for Azerbaijani Multiculturalism - TODAY!

In the frame work of the Imagine Euro Tolerance Festival, in collaboration with Ca' Foscari University of Venice, ADA University and with organizational support of Unite Cultures will be the master class on "Identity and Foreign Policy. The case for Azerbaijani Multiculturalism".
The master class falls within the activities of the second edition of the Imagine Euro Tolerance Festival, aimed to promote the values of the intercultural dialogue and tolerance.
The master class will be provided by Dr. Carlo Frappi. Dr. Frappi is full-time Researcher at Venice Ca' Foscari University, where he teaches Contemporary History of Azerbaijan and Geopolitics of the Caspian Area. Carlo Frappi holds a Ph.D. cum laude in European History from University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a M.A. in Political Sciences with specialization in International Politics from the University of Perugia.
Key aim of the master class is to provide a Western-European perspective on the significance of Azerbaijan's promotion of Multiculturalism. In order to do so, it will start from the nexus between Identity and Foreign Policy in the complex post-bipolar environment to highlight the sub-regional and regional value attached to the inclusive drive of Azerbaijan's foreign policy, supported and epitomized by the promotion of a multicultural national identity.
The master class will be on May 11, at ADA University, at 14:00

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