İnformasiya texnologiyaları üzrə köməkçi və HR menecer Vakansiyaları! - Son Gün

1) “Kaspi” Təhsil Şirkəti İnformasiya texnologiyaları üzrə köməkçi vəzifəsi üçün vakansiya elan edir.

Minimum vakansiya tələbləri:

→ İnformasiya Texnologiyaları sahəsində bakalavriatura dərəcəsi;
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→ İT sahəsində 1 ilədək təcrübə;

→ Azərbaycan dilində səlis, ingilis və rus dillərində orta səviyyəli dil bilikləri;

Your code is here → Kollektivlə işləmə və ünsiyyət qabiliyyəti.

Tələb olunan bilik və bacarıqlar:

→ Server avadanlıqları üzrə iş təcrübəsi;
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→ Microsoft texnologiyaları üzrə iş təcrübəsi;

→ Windows ƏS üzrə biliklər;

Your code is here → MS ofis proqramlarında sərbəst iş qabiliyyəti;

→ LANs, WANs, şəbəkə seqmentləri, İnternet və İntranet sistemləri üzrə biliklər;

→ Texniki analiz qabiliyyəti (texniki problemləri təyin etmək və həll etmək bacarığı);
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→ Kompüter sistemləri, mobil qurğular və digər texniki məhsullar barədə anlayışlar;

→ Access Control system üzrə biliklər (arzu olunandır);

Your code is here → Security Camera Systems üzrə biliklər (arzu olunandır);

→ Windows server 2012 R2 üzrə biliklər (arzu olunandır).

Vəzifə öhdəlikləri:
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→ İnformasiya texnologiyaları infrastrukturunu yaratmaq və fasiləsiz işini təmin etmək;

→ Şəbəkənin qurulmasını və tənzimlənməsini təmin etmək;

Your code is here → Kompyuter şəbəkələrində yaranmış nasazlıqları aradan qaldırmaq və şəbəkənin monitorinqini aparmaq;

→ Məlumatların arxivləşdirilməsini təşkil etmək;

→ Sistem və şəbəkə avadanlıqlarını, proqram təminatını quraşdırmaq və yoxlamaq;
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→ İT dəstək, infrastrukturu və sistemləri idarə etmək.

İş saatları: I-V günlər, 9:00-18:00

Your code is here İş yeri: “Kaspi” təhsil şirkətinin baş ofisi (Ünvan: Xocalı pr. 57A, Kaspi Ağ şəhər liseyi)

Elan tarixi: 14.02.2018

Son müraciət tarixi: 14.03.2018
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Maraqlananlar İşə müraciət formasını doldurmaqla müraciət edə bilərlər.

Your code is here Yalnız müraciət formaları ilkin baxışdan uğurla keçən namizədlərlə əlaqə saxlanılacaq.


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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organisation with the exclusively humanitarian mission to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening International Humanitarian Law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Your code is here Are you our new HR Manager?

The ICRC delegation in Azerbaijan is seeking qualified, experienced and highly motivated candidates for the position of Human Resources Manager to fulfil this new position as soon as possible.

The HR Department of the delegation is reorganizing in order to fit with the period of changes at ICRC’s institutional level in terms of people management. This is in line with the institutional strategy 2015-2018 where the Human Resources is identified as one of the drivers.
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Main responsibilities:

HR Strategy

Your code is here • Supports the delegation management in translating operational needs and challenges into local HR strategy and priorities for the delegation.
• Understands the regional and delegation HR strategy and oversee its implementation into specific programs, plans and projects within the delegation; act as an implementing partner and change agent.
• Supports the Regional HR Manager in the execution of all initiatives within the delegation, contributes to the regional thinking regarding HR frameworks (incl. processes, policies and guidelines) and provides feedback to Head Quarters based entities on compliance, feasibility, applicability and improvement of processes, policies and guidelines within the delegation.

HR Framework
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• Is responsible for the establishment and development of the HR management framework of the delegation.
• In collaboration with Centres of Expertise at HQ, validates the application of the HR framework in compliance with ICRC policies and legal obligations.
• Is responsible for the elaboration and the adequate application of local HR processes, policies and procedures within the delegation.
• Validates all internal HR procedures elaborated by the delegation to implement their HR policy.
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HR operations

• In close coordination with the management of the delegation, is responsible to set-up, adjust and update all aspects of the HR organizational structure in Azerbaijan.
• Is in charge of the appropriate communication of HR related issues to all concerned stakeholder.
Your code is here • In charge of supervising & monitoring all sourcing and talent acquisition, on-and off-boarding activities in Azerbaijan.
• Supervises and promotes career, talent management and LnD activities and ensures coherence, consistency and respect of institutional policies on these issues.
• Ensures respect and consistency of the performance and international assignment planning (IAP) frameworks, assists and guides colleagues as needed.
• Has the overall responsibility for all aspects related to employee relations.

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• Advises and guides line managers in the execution of their people management responsibilities.
• Acts as an Ambassador of change towards managers in the implementation of the ongoing global HR transformation.

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• Supervises, guides and coaches the HR Officer in the execution of daily HR activities and provides training plans, up-skilling initiatives and advice in accordance with ICRC global norms and standards.

HR Projects
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• Implements ad-hoc HR projects and initiatives
• Proposes such ad hoc projects on HR related matters to the delegation and HR Operations Division in HQ in accordance to needs and priorities.

Desired profile and skills:
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• Bachelor or University degree in HR with a confirmed experience of minimum 5 years in a people management and an HR generalist position or equivalent complemented with a training or experience in HR partnership, personal development, labor law, conflict management, knowledge assessment tools.
• Experience in driving transformation and implementing change in complex and challenging situations.
Your code is here • Previous experience working in an international environment and/or an international organization, successfully operating in a matrix organization is a strong asset.
• Very good command of English. Fluency in Russian is a distinct asset.
• Fully conversant with IT tools.

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• Strongly motivated by humanitarian work.
• Ability to develop the role with exemplary conduct and to represent the HR function within the Delegation (sites and sub-sites).
• Ability to guide, support, delegate appropriately and provide developmental guidance to HR staff under her/his direct supervision.
• Ability to advise and actively support key stakeholders on all aspects of people management and development.
Your code is here • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to create and maintain partnerships at all levels of the delegation and within the HR function, both with staff and managers.
• Leadership skills with business acumen and experience in dealing with a variety of stakeholders (interlocutors) externally including high ranking senior officials.
• Excellent and effective communication and listening skills and ability to interact collaboratively in a multicultural team (HR and beyond).
• Strong analytical, decision making and organizational skills ability to handle multiple priorities in an autonomous manner.
• Cultural awareness and commitment to encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
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This is a full-time position with a duty station in Baku.


Your code is here If you consider to have all the necessary qualifications and the ability to take over the designed tasks, please send your CV in English, a motivation letter in English and copies of diplomas/certificates to the e-mail [email protected] with subject line indicatingHR Manager”.

Deadline for receiving CVs: Close of business Wednesday 14 of March 2018.

Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted. Please do only send copies of employment and education certificates. The copies will not be sent back.
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For additional information, please consult the ICRC website: