KCA DEUTAG Azerbaijan Scholarship Programme 2018-2019

KCA DEUTAG Azerbaijan Scholarship Programme 2018-2019.

Students in the 3rd grade in the following faculties of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University only are invited to apply.

Gas, Petroleum and Mining
Your code is here Petro-mechanics
Automatization of Production Processes

Your code is here Students will be selected for interview for the scholarship programme based on an assessment of documents listed below. All documents except video essay must be submitted by email in PDF format. Two essays requested should be no more than 500 words long each and typed in English.

1. CV.

2. Copy of ID card.
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3. Copy of Student card.

4. Copy of University score book (each available page).

Your code is here 5. Certificates if available.

6. Essay

1. Each person has a distinctive story and development pattern that have led them to this point. What is your story from both a professional and personal perspectives?
Your code is here How does the KCA Deutag scholarship application fit into your story?

7. Essay

2. Describe your most meaningful achievements or accomplishments that set you apart and share how they relate to your field of study.
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8. Video Essay.

Please share your short-term career goals after the graduation of the University and explain the reasons behind via a brief video statement in English. (Videos should be a single take (no editing) lasting no more than one minute and consisting of you speaking directly to the camera. Video essay must be submitted only in avi or mpeg format.)

Your code is here Interested?

When emailing your documents the subject of the email should be marked “Scholarship Programme 2018- 2019, name of faculty” and submitted to [email protected]

The deadline for applications is midnight on 31st March 2018.
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Please note that late applications will not be accepted. Only shortlisted students will be contacted.
