MOBILAZE project - Public Lecture

EPF/CRRC, and ICMPD invites you to a public lecture at 18:00 on Tue, Feb 13 within the framework of the EU funded MOBILAZE project. The lecture will present an overview of the baseline study on the migration situation in Azerbaijan, and it will also focus on European Asylum Support Office statistics. Q&A session will follow after the presentation.
If you are willing to participate, please, fill in the form:
Seating is on a first come first serve basis and subject to capacity.

Your code is here Roland Hosner, a research officer, holds an MA (Mag.) in Sociology from the University of Vienna. Currently, Roland is involved in research components of the ongoing project on supporting migration management in Georgia (ENIGMMA). He has recently completed a feasibility study with the aim of establishing a panel survey among recent immigrants to Austria (LEGINT) and serves as a focal point for survey design as well as migration and integration statistics at ICMPD.

Paul Baumgartner is Policy Analyst in the ICMPD Policy Unit. With an economist background, he has acquired sound knowledge and experience in the field of migration research. His recent research is focused on asylum responsibility sharing among the EU Member States, analysis of asylum statistics and labor market integration of refugees. His academic interests involve asylum policies and quantitative methods