Professional Development for Teachers of English

Dear English Language Teachers and students!

We are glad to announce “Professional Development for Teachers of English: TKT, CELTA, Delta” sessions by Elena Kapshutar!

During 2 sessions on June 12 and 14, Elena Kapshutar will inform you about such professional development opportunities as TKT, CELTA and Delta. She will also cover all your questions regarding the exams.
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? About facilitator:

Elena Kapshutar, is a PhD in Germanic Languages from the Lomonosov MSU, Delta-qualified teacher (2018-), teacher, methodologist and teacher trainer.

Your code is here ? June 12, 14
? Start time: 18:00
⌛ Duration: 1.5 hours

❗️ A minimum B2/Upper-Intermediate level of English proficiency is necessary for the participants.
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✅ Participation is FREE.


Your code is here ?134, R. Behbudov str., Azerbaijan University of Languages, 1st fl.
☎️(012) 441 36 80 / 441 22 79 (124)
[email protected]