Seedstars Baku 2018

Event description

Seedstars World comes back to Baku for the 5th time!
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Seedstars World, the global seed-stage startup competition for emerging markets and fast-growing startup scenes, is coming to Baku on June 8th, 2018 at ADA University.

Azerbaijan’s best seed-stage startups will compete to represent the country at the Seedstars World competition and win up to USD 1 million in equity investment and network with investors and mentors from around the world.

Your code is here In line with its mission to place the spotlight on entrepreneurs from emerging markets, Seedstars World is travelling to more than 70 countries this year to identify the best seed-stage entrepreneurs. Its previous participants have raised over USD 61M collectively, providing employment to more than 1000 employees worldwide.

The application is over and 10 best startups of Baku will present their projects on June 8 at ADA University!

Come to support them! Register below.
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Invitation code: ssw-baku-2018-af

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10:00 - 10:40

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Arrival / Networking

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10:40 - 11:00

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Welcome speech

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11:00 - 11:50

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1st Pitching session

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11:50 - 12:10

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Break | Networking

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12:10 - 13:00

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2nd Pitching session

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13:00 - 13:40

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13:40 - 14:10

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Announcement of the winner

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