We Can Week – Workshop on effective campaigning

We Can Week – Workshop on effective campaigning

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About the workshop

Your code is here The workshop will bring together around 30 young activists and civil society representatives from Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia. They will share their experiences of organizing different types of campaigns, attend lectures, and work in groups to develop new campaigning ideas.

All workshop participants will present and discuss their experiences of campaigning in financially, politically, socially, and culturally difficult environments. The workshop is open to people with all kinds of campaigning, advocacy, awareness raising or fundraising experience (online, offline or both), at any level (local, national or international) on any type of social issue (corruption, social and economic rights, environment, cultural heritage, languages and identity, gender, discrimination, vulnerable groups etc.)

Who can participate?
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Activists from Belarus, Azerbaijan and Russia who:

  • have at least two years of involvement in civil society and/or activism,

  • have some experience in campaigning (must have a case-study to present),

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  • are between 18 and 28 years of age

  • are fluent in one of the two working languages (English and Russian) and can understand the other.

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What: Workshop on effective campaigning

Dates: April – 16-21 (16th – arrival day, 21st – departures in late afternoon)

Your code is here Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Organized by: Youth Initiatives for Human Rights

Languages: Russian / English
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Costs: If selected, organizers will cover all costs related to participation

Your code is here Who are the experts and mentors?

Experienced practitioners in advocacy, marketing, communications, strategic planning and community building, as well as social scientists and analysts from five different countries.

How to apply?
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To apply, applicants should fill the application form (link here) by 28th of February. Applications received after this date will not be accepted. The form can completed in English or Russian.

If you have any additional question, feel free to get in touch via [email protected]

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We Can Week – Мастерская об эффективных кампаниях (In Russian)