Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp

Come test your cleantech / green idea at Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp and win direct access to ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2019!

What is Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp?

Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp is a two-day coaching, training and hands-on workshop program that teaches aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators how to build a venture around one of the world’s most alarming issues – climate change, using the most essential tools, techniques and methodologies like Design Thinking and Lean Startup methodology.
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The attendees will go through a series of training and hands-on workshops throughout the bootcamp under the guidance of program coaches. At the end of the program the attendees will pitch their ventures to the Jury from startup ecosystem to get expert feedback and insights for further growth and compete for winning direct access to ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2019.

Your code is here AWARDS: up to 2 best teams will be offered to take their cleantech idea to the next level with ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2019 programme. Winning startup gets direct access to ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2019 program.

Who Should Attend?

- Teams with green ideas
Your code is here - Individuals, who would like to find teammates
- Environmental professionals, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, UI &UX designers

Boot Camp Programme: Day 1 (9:00 – 19:00)

Your code is here 9:00 – 9:30: Welcome and introduction
• Welcome by the local host and introduction by the Boot CampTrainer
• Startup Essentials (Startup? Accelerator? Cases – Airbnb, Uber, Tinder).
9:30 – 10:30: Module 1 (approx. 1h): Founder’s Dream
What drives you and your team personally? How does this fit with your business idea and company vision?
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10:30 – 10:45: Break

10:45 – 11:45: Module 2 (approx. 1h): The Deal
What do you sell, to whom at what price?
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11:45 – 12:15: Module 3a (approx. 1,5h): Market Segmentation
What possible markets can you address with you idea?

12:15 – 13:00: Lunch
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13:00 – 14:00: Module 3b (approx. 1h): Beachhead Market Selection
What is the best initial market to enter with your idea?

14.00 – 14:15: Break
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14:15 – 15:45: Module 4 (approx. 1,5h): Customer Value Proposition
How much value do you create for your customer?

15:45 – 17:00: Module 5 (approx. 1.15h): Financials and Key Value drivers
Your code is here How do you make money? What are the key value drivers?

17.00 – 17.15: Break

17:15 – 18:00: Module 6 (approx. 45m): Climate Impact
Your code is here Where do you have the highest impact?

18.00 – 19:00: Dinner

Start-up Talk + Food and Drinks
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An inspiring talk by a startup (ClimateLaunchpad 2018 Global Finalists) and excellent networking opportunity with the ecosystem players, Trainers, Coaches and other participants

Boot Camp Programme: Day 2 (8:30 – 18:30)
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8.30 – 8.45: Short recap of day 1

08:45 – 10:15: Module 7 (approx. 1.5h) Competitive Advantage
Customer lock-in, Suppliers, customers, distributors, and other Intellectual property you might want or have
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10.15 – 10.30: Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:30: Module 8 (approx. 2h): Financials and Key Value drivers
How do you make money? What are the key value drivers?
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12.30 – 13.30: Lunch

13:30 – 14:30: Module 9 (approx. 1h): Talking to Potential Customers
How to do a good customer interview?
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14:30 – 16:00: Module 10 (approx. 1,5h): Pitch Deck Development & Review
Teams work on finalizing their presentations

16:00 – 18:00: Module 11 (approx. 2h): Final Presentations
Your code is here The attendees pitch their ventures to the Jury from startup ecosystem to get expert feedback and insights for further growth and also win direct access to ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2019.

18:00 – 18:30 Winners announcement and wrap-up (and optional: Drinks)

Benefits for The Participants
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- The attendees will learn the most essential tools and techniques of building a startup
- The attendees will practically use the knowledge and build their first startup in the same day
- The attendees will learn the most important concepts of venture building and tools and techniques of building a cleantech venture
- The attendees will have opportunity to network with the experts and fellow changemakers in the city during networking sessions
Your code is here - The attendees will have 50% discount for Sil. Card

Most importantly, we promise that all participants will have the craziest, the most fruitful and fun weekend of their entire life.

When and Where?
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The Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp will take place on 26th – 27th January (Saturday and Sunday) 2019. The venue of the event is Social Innovation Lab located at 400 meters from 28 May metro station (

Will There Be Food?

Your code is here Yes! Participants will be served lunch as scheduled in the agenda above. Also, a coffee break has been arranged before and after lunch. The food will be for free of charge for all attendees.

Who Organizes Cleantech Ideation Bootcamp?

The Bootcamp is brought to you by Sil. (Social Innovation Lab) with its main partner/sponsor and supporting partners/sponsors.
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Sil. is a leading entrepreneurship center in Baku, Azerbaijan founded with ambition to build first unicorn startup born out of Azerbaijan through lifting 50 tech startups annually by 2025.

For any questions contact us at [email protected] or +994772099700. We will be happy to help.

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How to register?

Apply now at for FREE.
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