"Hollandiyanın Azərbaycandakı Kənd Təsərrüfatı sektoruna töhfələrinə dair perspektivlər" - Seminar

The Embassy of the Netherlands in Azerbaijan would like to invite you to our seminar on the topic “Perspectives on contributions of the Netherlands to the Agricultural sector in Azerbaijan” on May 16th at 14.00 in the Baku Expo Center. The seminar is taking place in the framework of the 12th Azerbaijan International Agriculture Exhibition.

During the seminar the Agricultural Master Plan, developed between the Netherlands and Azerbaijan, will be introduced to a broader audience, several companies will present their vision on how to develop the agricultural sector of Azerbaijan. Also, research by the Wageningen University & Research on the issue will be presented. The Minister of Agriculture Mr. Inam Kerimov has been invited to open the seminar together with Ambassador Onno Kervers, welcoming all parties involved in the development of the agricultural sector of Azerbaijan.

Feel free to drop by our Holland Pavillion stand anytime during the 12th Azerbaijan International Agriculture Exhibition taking place from the 16th to 18th of May!
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We hope to welcome all that are interested!
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