"Master and Tatyana" and "The Story of the Green Line" - Today 2 movie (free)


Screening of Meistras ir Tatjana / Master and Tatyana

The Embassy of Lithuania in Azerbaijan kindly invites you to the screening of a film by Giedrė Žičkytė "Master and Tatyana" in Park Cinema Flame Towers. The film is screened on the occasion of European documentary film festival, in Lithuanian language, English subtitles. Entrance is free.
Namuose jis laikė gyvą liūtą. Aplinkiniai vadino jį vikingu, kopijavo jo manieras, išvaizdą, žavėjosi, stebėjosi, pavydėjo, bijojo, perpasakodavo būtas ir nebūtas istorijas. Su fotoaparatu jis išmaišė visą Sovietų Sąjungą. Vilniuje gyveno su gražuole žmona Tatjana ir jie tapo vieną ryškiausių 7-ojo dešimtmečio porų. Ne mažiau ryškūs buvo ir jų namai – visada pilni vaišių, svečių iš tolimiausių pasaulio kampelių ir pokalbių iki aušros. Vitą Luckų prarijo aistra meilei, tiesai ir fotografijai. “Meistras ir Tatjana” – genialaus kūrėjo gyvenimo ir aistringos meilės istorija.
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Some called him a madman, others - a genius. Because he kept a live lion in his apartment. Because he was the first to go beyond Lithuanian surroundings and document the spontaneous reality of Soviet Republics. He worked a lot and drank a lot. He lived in Vilnius with his beautiful wife Tatyana. They were the vibrant couple of the '60s. Just as vibrant was their home, always full of people, wine, nightlong conversations, guests from the farthermost places of the Soviet Union. Vitas Luckus was engulfed by his passion for truth and photography.

Bugün 18:30 - 20:00

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Screening of "The Story of the Green Line" (Greece)

The Greek Embassy is pleased to invited you to the screening of the movie "The Story of the Green Line" within the framework of the IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival on 14 May, 20:45 at Park Cinema, Flame Towers. The movie will be screened in Greek with English subtitles and is free of charge.

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Cyprus, 1974. Things are already seriously wrong. A border crossing. Nobody crosses except the slightly bewildered conscripts who used to be Cypriot but are now compulsorily Greek or Turkish and who have been assigned to the wrong side of a border that, in their childhoods, did not exist. This gradual and civilised film observes the extraordinary everyday: conscripts who sing, people who love each other because they love each other, accidental soldiers, UN peacekeepers on bicycles with white flags, profound political stupidity, stubborn hope. Its advice: Be realistic, demand the impossible.
